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An Overview of SCOMET items Exports License
The export and import of products and services in India are governed by the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP). A list of goods whose export is to be monitored has been established under the FTP. This is due to the nature of a product that could be used to create weapons of mass destruction or for military purposes. They are dual-purpose objects that have both industrial/civilian and military applications. As a result, they are referred to as munitions goods and dual-use items. SCOMET (Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment, and Technologies) is the acronym for the list of these dual-use and weapons products.
In Schedule 2 of the ITC (HS), Appendix 3 lists the SCOMET products. Items that need a licence from the DGFT HQ or the National Authorities are listed on the SCOMET list.
Why must SCOMET exports be authorised in order to export SCOMET products?
It is the duty of the Indian government and the export-import business to prevent proliferation, terrorism, and non-state actors from gaining access to exports. Any export that unintentionally ends up in the wrong hands could have negative impact on our national security and the reputation of the nation abroad. SCOMET is a crucial step in addressing these issues.
Further, International supply chains are increasingly interconnected; our Import-Export partners would like to be assured that India’s regulations are in line with the highest standards. Adoption of these regulations is expected to act as an enabler for a greater role for Indian industry in global supply chains for high technology and value-added items and strategic sector items.
SCOMET Exports License items categories:
In SCOMET Licence, there are nine different item categories.
The SCOMET product categories and licences that have been granted by the relevant licencing authority are listed below:
0 | Nuclear materials, nuclear-related other materials, equipment and technology | Department of Atomic Energy(DAE) |
1 | Toxic chemical agents and other chemicals | DGFT |
2 | Micro-organisms, Toxins | DGFT |
3 | Materials, Materials Processing Equipment and related Technologies | DGFT |
4 | Nuclear-related other equipment and technology, not controlled under Category 0'' | DGFT |
5 | Aerospace systems, equipment, including production and test equipment, and related technology | DGFT |
6 | Munitions List (except Cat, 6A007 and 6A008) | DDP |
7 | Reserved | DGFT |
8 | Special Material and Related Equipment, Material Processing, Electronics, Computers, Telecommunications, Information Security, Sensors And Lasers, Navigation and Avionics, Marine, Aerospace and Propulsion | DGFT |
SCOMET License items Export Control Licensing Agencies :
SCOMET items authorizations are issued by the following three agencies:
- DGFT, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade
- DDP, or Department of Defence Production
- DAE, the Department of Atomic Energy
Validity Period of SCOMET Exports License?
The SCOMET licence has a 24-month validity period, however it can be renewed by the DGFT regional office with the agreement of DGFT Headquarters for an additional six months or a maximum of one year.
What is the Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG) in DGFT?
The authority of the group for issuing the export licence for SCOMET commodities is the Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG). It assesses requests for SCOMET export licences (i.e., products that are not on the nuclear "trigger" list and are not kept in defence stocks).
The members of the IMWG are as follows:
- SCOMET is overseen by an additional DGFT (chair).
- A Ministry of External Affairs representative
- Cabinet Secretariat representative
- A Department of Atomic Energy representative
- An official from the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
- Production Representative of the Department of Defence
- A departmental ISRO (Indian Science Research Organisation) representative
- Department of Biotechnology representative
- Representative of the Chemicals Department
- A national authority's representative for the Chemical Weapons Convention
- A representative of India's drug controller general
Under the direction of the Additional DGFT, the IMWG Meetings typically happen once a month. In regards to circumstances particular to their Department/Organization for SCOMET Export Licence, the aforementioned member's NOC/Comments are required.
What are the SCOMET Exports Licence Items' Global Authorisation for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT) policies?
Under the Indian export control regime, the policy on Global Authorisation for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT) was established to grant an advance bulk licence for the reexport of specific SCOMET goods, software, and technology to foreign group companies using the licence exception for the original export of such goods to India.
For intra-company re-exports of imported SCOMET products, software, and technology under SCOMET category 8, the GAICT policy does not require pre-export authorization.
Design, encryption, research, development, delivery, validation, and testing are all covered by the GAICT policy. From the date of issuance, the GAICT policy is effective for three (3) years.
What paperwork must be submitted in order to apply for a SCOMET Exports Licence?
- DGFT valid login information
- Bank account for the active firm
- Purchase Orders from Companies in the SCOMET Product Supply Chain
- Foreign buyers' contract agreements, statements of work, and master service agreements with consignee and end users
- Technical requirements for each exportable item.
- Copies of the Bills of Entry into the country of destination for goods exported throughout the past year
- Genuine End-use-cum-End-user Certificates (EUCs) from all parties involved in the product's delivery
- Copy of DGFT Authorization letter for the same product, if any in case of application
How does the internal SCOMET Exports Licence procedure work?
Following the step-by-step procedures for SCOMET items Export License:
- The exporters either submit a paper copy to DGFT HQ or submit the application online through the DGFT website.
- The licence application is then received by the DGFT via E-COM and sent immediately to IMWG.
- When a request for an export licence for SCOMET goods is made, the IMWG issues a No Objection Certificate (NOC).
- The application will be automatically rejected by DGFT if any IMWG agencies refuse to provide a NOC.
- The DGFT HQ, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi is where the exporter can obtain an export licence for SCOMET products.
How to apply for SCOMET Authorisation?
See the following steps to apply for SCOMET Authorization:
- Visit the DGFT homepage at dgft.gov.in.
- Export Management System Services Licence for exporting SCOMET
- Apply for SCOMET Item, Software/Technology Export Authorization (ANF 2O(A))
- Request a New Authorization
- It is necessary to submit an online application, which is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Select "Start Fresh Application" from the menu.
- If you already have a draught, select "Proceed with Existing Application" from the menu.
- The 'item for export' can now be manually added.
- The necessary paperwork online
- After making the payment, press the "Submit" button.
- For revalidation applications: Select Apply for SCOMET Authorization Revalidation.
- To request a site visit: Select Request Site Visit of SCOMET Authorization by clicking.
- Post Reporting for SCOMET Authorization Request Form: Select Apply for SCOMET Authorization Revalidation.
What standards are used to approve SCOMET Exports products?
Before SCOMET Items can be exported, a careful examination of the application's intended usage is carried out. The following requirements must be met in order for SCOMET items to be approved:
- The end-user's credentials will be checked by the DGFT.
- The DGFT assesses the veracity of the SCOMET products' exported end-use application declarations.
- The DGFT will analyse if certain products or technology have the potential to be used in ways that conflict with India's aspirations for national security or foreign policy.
- The DGFT should receive the declaration regarding the final use of the SCOMET products.
- The possibility that the exported goods will end up in the possession of terrorists, terrorist organisations, or non-state actors will be evaluated as a risk.
Frequently Asked Questions
SCOMET components denote Special Chemicals (SC).Organisms, or OMaterial is M.E = MachineryTechnologies (T)
The SCOMET items are classified under 9 distinct categories:
- Nuclear materials, nuclear-related equipment, and technologies fall under category 0.
- toxic chemical agents and other compounds, category 1
- Category 2: Toxins and microorganisms
- Materials, Equipment for Processing of Materials, and Related Technologies
- Other nuclear-related technology and equipment that is not regulated under Category 0 is in Category 4.
- Category 5: Aerospace systems, equipment, particularly designed components and accessories thereto, related technologies, production and test equipment.
- Category 6: List of Mutations
- Reserved for Category 7
- Special materials and associated equipment, material processing, electronics, computers, telecommunications, information security, sensors and lasers, navigation and avionics, marine, aerospace, and propulsion are all included in category 8.
The term "dual-use" refers to products, software, technology, chemicals, etc. that have both civil and military uses. Dual-use items are those that need a permit to be exported outside of the nation.
The penalty for possessing SCOMET products without authorization is five times the FOB value or five years in prison.
Appendix 3 of Schedule 2 - Export Policy of ITC (HS) Classification contains the SCOMET list.
The DGFT's licencing body is the Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG), which is presided over by the Additional Director General of Foreign Trade.
Category 8 includes software for electronics, computers, telecommunications, and information security.
There were no goods previously included in Category 6 of SCOMET because it was designated for the munitions list.
All paperwork submitted with an application, correspondence with the purchaser, consignee, end user, or MoD, pertinent contract documentation, pertinent financial records, pertinent books of accounts, pertinent shipping documentation, such as shipping bills, bills of entry, and bills of lading, etc.
Every form has an application summary section that lists the values entered for each field. The "Print Application" button is activated in the top right corner of this area of the application summary. To download the application for your future use, kindly click the button.
We select ANF 2O(b) when applying for GAICT of SCOMET items else we select ANF 2O(a).
Yes but you may only export the item that are listed as a SCOMET
SCOMET authorisation shall be valid for imports for 24 months from the date of issuance of the authorisation.
No, as per policy authorizations are non-transferable.
You may add new items, decrease the quantity of items, modify the UOM.