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An Overview of Restricted Import License
Items that can't be freely imported often appear on the Restricted/Negative list. An authorization or licence is needed to import things that are restricted or negative. Only the registered user can import Restricted products. Items on the Restricted Items list are prohibited either due to safety, health, or environmental concerns, or because they are made by small, home- or village-based businesses that require little skill yet employ a significant number of locals.
The DGFT has introduced a new online module for import authorisation for restricted items, in accordance with Trade Notice No. 47/2020-21: Dated 23rd March 2021: Issuance of Import Authorization for 'Restricted' items from DGFT HQs w.e.f. 22.03.2021. Therefore, DGFT HQ must get the import authorization for limited commodities via online submission.
List of Restricted Items :
- Live animals & bovine semen
- Pets
- Live animals for R&D purposes
- Horses for sportsmen
- slag
- Ozone-depleting substance
- Type scrap/ Lead scrap/battery scrap
- Arms & ammunition
- Import of gold - Dore
- Transmitter or Communication device
- Refurbished electronic products
- Import of Silver - Dore
- Aircraft/Hot Air Balloons/ Helicopter/UAVs
- Wild Animals under Animal Exchange Programme
Where can importers get the list of restricted goods required for import licences?
- Visit https://www.dgft.gov.in/, the DGFT website.
- Go to Import, Export, and SCOMET Policy under Regulatory Updates.
- Go to Import, Export, and SCOMET Policy under Regulatory Updates.
What is Restricted Import Authorisation?
The items classified as restricted imports are those that cannot be imported without a licence, authorization, or permission from DGFT. Only after possessing a restricted import licence may restricted items be imported.
The government launched the online module to grant the restricted import licence under the Import Management System on March 23, 2021. There would be no acceptance of manual applications. The DGFT Delhi is responsible for issuing licences for banned commodities.
The Application fee and validity of Restricted Import License
For each licence, an application fee of Rs. 1 per thousand, subject to a minimum of Rs. 500 and a maximum of Rs. 1 lakh on the CIF value of the import licence, must be paid electronically using the online system.
Documentation needed to apply for a restricted import licence
Documents required for application to get Restricted Import License
- Import-Export License
- MSME Certificate
- Board resolution copy
- Adhar card and Pan card of Authorized Signatory
- Authorization from concern dept.
List of Concerned Departments that permit the importation of Prohibited Goods
Documentation needed to apply for a restricted import licence The department in question must grant clearance to the importer if they want to obtain a restricted import licence. The list of application categories for limited licences as well as the mandatory documentation needed to issue a restricted import licence has been provided below.
Application Process for Authorization of Restricted Imports
Following the first registration, the application had to be submitted online using the DGFT Portal.
- The DGFT Portal can be found at https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP/.
- Use legitimate credentials to log in.
- From the list of services, pick Import Management System.
- Then select Restricted Imports.
- Select Apply for Revalidation of Authorization for Restricted Imports.
- Complete the form, then upload the required papers.
- Complete the application and then submit it.
- The Restricted Import Licence shall be given by DGFT Delhi after a successful application.
- Multiple restricted products can be imported under a single Restricted Imports authorization.
- The new feature for bulk uploading has been introduced in the new system, the format would be given on portal, all the import details has to be filled in excel that required to be uploaded in import details section.
Important Points regarding the online application
Bulk Upload for uploading of export items –
Amendment of Restricted Imports License
Holders of restricted import licences are allowed to modify their licences, add new items, change the quantity and CIF value, and alter the UOM (Unit of Measure). Only within the license's import validity period may a licence be amended after it has been issued. The needed basic application cost is Rs 200. The application cost will likewise increase if the CIF value does.
Revalidation of Restricted Import License
Revalidation is permitted for Restricted Import Authorization application fee of Rs 500 required to be paid online for revalidation.
Procedure for the revalidation -
- The DGFT Portal can be found at https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP/.
- Use legitimate credentials to log in.
- From the list of services, pick Import Management System.
- Then select Restricted Imports.
- Only the "Revalidation details" will be editable in the application form since the rest will be automatically filled in.
- Please provide the revalidation period and the revalidation justification.
- Attach the necessary documents on the following page, accept the T&C, check the declaration box, and send the file for processing.
What is the EFC and how does it affect the approval of restricted imports?
EXIM Facilitation Committee (EFC) is referred to as the EFC. This committee, which consists of delegates from different Ministries and Departments, is presided over by the Additional DGFT in charge of Imports. Applications for 'Restricted' item import authorizations are processed in the import cell and reviewed by the EXIM Facilitation Committee (EFC).
Restricted/Negative items import Authorisation – Flowchart
See the following flow of Restricted items Import License :
- When the exporter logs into the DGFT website and submits an application for a Restricted Items Imports Licence after paying.
- The application is subsequently sent to the technical ministry or department in question to request their approval, feedback, or opinions.
- A deficiency note will be emailed to the applicant firm if the application is incomplete.
- The application importer is expected to supply the relevant paperwork or clarifications in answer to the inquiry.
- The technical ministry/department is then notified of the application for their feedback and NOC.
- Upon receiving a NOC or comments, all open applications are presented to the EXIM Facilitation Committee (EFC) of DGFT for consideration on an individual basis.
- After an application has been granted by the EFC, the Import Cell, DGFT(HQ), prepares a letter of permission.
- A duplicate of the authorization that the DGFT issued to the Regional Authorities (RAs).
- The firm must subsequently approach the concerned Regional Authority of DGFT with a copy of the permission letter and the application submitted to DGFT (HQ) after permission has been granted by DGFT (Hqrs).
- The applicants will receive an import permit for Restricted products from the DGFT's Regional Authority.
How can we help you obtain a licence for restricted imports?
- We are a group of DGFT experts who can assess the scheme's viability for imports.
- We provide our clients with their documents to prevent procedure delays.
- We prepare the application and submit it online once we have the necessary documentation.
- We work in concert with DGFT and other relevant departments up until the licence is issued.
- We also help our clients with licence amendments and revalidations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Restricted import refers to all imports that are prohibited and only permissible with a licence for restricted imports.
Yes, it can be imported after having the restricted import license.
After the certificate has been issued, an application must be made on the DGFT website to have the certificate issued.
On the DGFT Portal, under Import, Export, and SCOMET Policy, is a list of the items that cannot be importe.
There are a number of items that can be freely imported and do not require a licence. Only the import of prohibited commodities is necessitated by an import permit.
You can import restricted items in India after having the restricted import license.
The importer must have a current IEC number if they want to obtain a restricted import authorization. IEC must be connected to the DGFT portal.
The online application required to be done online on DGFT portal. The license would be issued by DGFT Head quarter.
The online application required to be done online on DGFT portal. The license would be issued by DGFT Head quarter.
The Validity of restricted import authorization is 18 months from Date of issuance.
Yes, the licence change is authorised by the restricted import authorization; however, it is only permitted within the license's import validity time.
The needed basic application cost is Rs 200. The application cost will likewise increase if the CIF value does.